Okay, I have been told the difference, and I thought I understood it, but I think I am confused again.
I know that DR is being implemented into NV, but how will it work.
I am assuming (and PLEASE do correct me) That if a gun or attacks damage is below the DR of the armor, then nothing passes through. But if it is greater than the DR it proportionally lets a perecentage pass through the armor, but not all of it...
Math with not make me understand it too well, as I was never into those classic RPG or Dice rollers, humor me in laymens terms if need be.
Thank you!
There is both damage THRESHOLD, and damage RESISTANCE.
Damage THRESHOLD reduces all incoming damage by a set amount. So let's say you're wearing armor that has a damage THRESHOLD of 5, and I shoot you with a gun that does 11 points of damage per shot. You will only take 6 points of damage.
Damage RESISTANCE reduces all incoming damage by a percentage. So let's take the example above and say you are about to take 6 points of damage, but the armor you're wearing also has a damage RESISTANCE of 50%. That 6 points gets halved to 3 points of damage per shot.
Or at least that's how I think it works, because that's how it worked in FO1 and 2.