I start up my still-on-the-ship Alternate Start character and she collapses to the floor in seconds panting being overweight...so I dropped stuff, and in under a minute she is feeling woozy again and near collapse. I wonder if it is eating so I eat. Still nothing. I sleep for 4 hours and nothing. I think on one off/on bugging attempt she died in her sleep or something as it was messed up unable to look around like clipping inside body, and then it went to the load screen like you die.
So I deactivated a bunch and just went down to visual/audio mods, OOO, Realistic Health, turned off Fatigue, Real Sleep Extended on, then went back in.
For some reason with Real Fatigue OFF, I lose more strength than with RF ON.
Three is no collapsing but there is still the lack of being able to move.
Str went from 123/104 with RF ON, to 123/65 with it OFF.