Will the xbox 360 controller work with the pc version?

Post » Wed Aug 18, 2010 11:00 pm

Thanks for confirming it, i really enjoyed playing fallout 3 on my computer with my xbox controller
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Javaun Thompson
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Post » Wed Aug 18, 2010 6:38 pm

Really? now, granted that with a few exceptions I've only ever played consoles (and those exceptions mostly NOT being shooters and being older games only for PC), but I can't stand the thought of playing on a computer. I played a demo of stubbs the zombie on computer and HATED using the keyboard and mouse! I think the controller makes it much easier to play, not having to worry about having to reach halfway across the keyboard to press a button. Even with games with simple controls (like game boy emulators) bugged me. The only advantage PC gamers have (in my opinion), is the ability to download mods and make their own. I have a 360, and largely prefer it over the thought of PC gaming cuz i don't have to spend over a grand to garantee that every game will work, and don't have to worry about it becoming obsolete untill the next gen consoles come out. Hell, I'm waiting to be able to afford the overpriced 360 controller adapter so I can buy FO3 GOTY for PC (which I already have for 360, of course) so I can use mods!

Im with this guy
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Post » Wed Aug 18, 2010 1:35 pm

Im with this guy

Doesn't that mean this thread doesn't apply to you? :P
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Post » Wed Aug 18, 2010 9:54 pm

Oh, no, I meant that I think you need to support the 360 controller to get the GFW certification.


Sort of? Maybe not? I would say you do need 360 controller support to get certified but somehow Bioshock 2 managed to get certified yet it has no support for a 360 controller on PC. The developers made up some lame excuse about not wanting to design a 360 UI on PC or some crap which made absolutely no sense.
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Blessed DIVA
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Post » Wed Aug 18, 2010 4:00 pm

My problem is that I love playing on the keyboard and mouse but after playing for an hour my hand starts to hurt. Does anyone know what could help?
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