In a way, I can see why Tes96 is confused. The term "Avatar" has been appropriated for a number of different uses in the internet/gaming community. Are we talking about someone who embodies the Eight Virtues? Are we talking about the picture attached to someone's forum account? Are we talking about someone's character in an MMO?
The answer is "No." The term "Avatar" is MUCH older than the interwebs, or even Origin Games.

In Hindu mythology, when a god takes on a form of flesh, that person/animal/whatever is an "avatar". In the same way, Hawker, Ama, and Wulf are avatars of the gods Zenithar, Mara, and Talos/Tiber Septim/Wulfharth/Enatiomorph/Whatever. Maybe that last one is the source of confusion: the divine identity of Tiber Septim overlaps with, but is not the same as, the historical figure (Hjalti Earlybeard?) that established the Third Empire. Tiber Septim IS the Ninth Divine.