There are only three versions of the Deathclaw: the baby you get at the start, adolescent, then the fully grown one. I know because I created an alternative of the mod on request, and poked the comments section of the Baby Deathclaw Commander on Nexus with it. So the Deathclaw remains essential from when you get it.
But yeah, you can do it that way, just watch out for the three versions, they're pretty easy to spot though, and remember that the baby is essential, so you don't have to do anything there, it's only in adolescent and fully grown modes you'll have to run that command on it.
Edited: Reply to Greene.
Just an affirmative from you and it'll be up.
I'd love to see it!
1. I totally agree with many comments here. A talking deathclaw would be awesome. What about one with a communications device linked to it's brain? Why not? If all the talking one's are going, I'm sure the tech is still there for something as crazy as this.
You might not even need to go that far, in fact, it could be as simple as a meeting with Goris (or an acolyte thereof) who's trying to bring them back. In fact, considering that the talking Deathclaw gene is male dominant, and a couple survived, it could entirely be possible that they've already mated a few times and got a small gathering of young ones together, whom they're now working with to create a mass conversion.
After all, what remains of the Enclave couldn't kill off an entire race, and the Vault City could've scarred Goris enough to want to do this, just to make the world remember. Perhaps he even believes that Deathclaws are innately less evil, and that the world would be better with their presence in it. So there are a few reasons right there.
All he'd have to do is salvage some of the original FEV, and with perhaps the aid of Doctor Henry, which could simply be back story stuff for Goris, that would entirely be possible. So then it's a matter of introducing the Deathclaw to the same strain of the FEV that originally created the talking Deathclaws. Like I said before, all the pieces are in place in New Vegas, if you ask me. It's a great place for that story.
Tarrant doesn't want to do this though, so I won't be pushy there, but I hope someone does it. It would be a truly great story, after all. One of the best, even. And it would be great to see all the old faces back in New Vegas. I really want to slap Avellone for whatever he's got against the talking Deathclaws in the first place, considering that every other faction was brought back, even the last living remnants of the real Enclave.

But yeah, you don't need to create something like a brain interface, because the lore is actually already in place. A talking Deathclaw survives, one that's resourceful and intelligent enough to create further talking Deathclaws, and without the Enclave in his way, there'd really be nothing to stop him from doing just that. I mean, if you were the last of your species, and you were intelligent and resourceful, wouldn't you want to bring about the rebirth of your kind if you thought you could do it?
In fact, it's actually kind of illogical that there is no talking Deathclaw presence in New Vegas, at least, IMHO. It's the one thing that always stood out to me as being blaringly odd and wrong about the storyline.
I have managed to get the first three items into a mod that I've had permission to upload. And though it's rough, maybe you'd like to test it?
I'd certainly be interested!
Edited Again: I mean, good grief, it could even be much simpler than that! Another way it could be explained is that a DNA sample was introduced to some base FEV, thus creating a jury-rigged version of the Enclave's talking Deathclaw FEV strain, and it would do the same thing, except the Deathclaws would more likely be on the intelligence level of Goris, with the FEV having learned a thing or two based on his DNA.
So you wouldn't even need to have Goris obtain some of the atlered FEV; you'd just need a base sample of the normal FEV, a sample of DNA, and a mind Scientific enough to combine the two. And there you go, you have talking Deathclaw FEV. Considering how easy it is to explain this, that there are no talking Deathclaw in New Vegas just continues to baffle me. It's a glaring thing, it's like one man's vendetta against them at the sake of the ongoing Fallout storyline. Bad Avellone, bad.

But yes, if you wanted to carry it on from Fallout 2, you could. Easily.
Final Edit, Possibly: Tarrant, I know you want to keep the talking Deathclaws to Fallout 3 and that's fine, I'm still not going to be pushy there, in fact, the only reason I'm poking you by name now is because I have an idea.
In Fallout 3, you have a vault fully stocked with unaltered FEV, being used to create a new strain of super mutants. And there's another piece of the puzzle if you want to set it in Fallout 3.
In general, what would be even funnier is if it worked as a sort of continuation, starting in Fallout 3, with finding the FEV, exposing it to Deathclaw DNA, creating the first talking Deathclaws, and then getting the species going, and then having a mod for New Vegas where we see a few of those talking Deathclaws turning up, likely to try and convert the absolutely massive clutches of Deathclaws in the era.
I'm just thinking out loud though with that last part.