[REL] Kasdars Lockpicking System

Post » Wed Aug 18, 2010 6:38 pm

Kasdar's Lockpicking System


Provides an alternative to the Lockpicking Mini-Game

Adds an option when dealing with locked containers, which allows you the opportunity to have the game decide if you can pick the lock or not.

This is a chance based on the difficulty of the lock and a combination of your lockpicking skill and luck.

This mod will not let you pick locks you couldnt otherwise pick yourself, it only gives those who have trouble with the lockpick mini-game a chance to automatically pick them.

for those so inclined the formula for the chance to pick the lock is
(50 - (GetLockLevel) + (Player.GetAV Lockpick) + (2 * (Player.GetAV Luck)))

so there is a base chance of 50% modified by how much your skill is over the lock level + 2x your luck stat

If you have any suggestions on how I could have done something differently feel free to let me know in the comments.

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