Whilst Daggerfall is the superior TES game, there are some nice novelties about Arena, taken from an old post of mine. Funny, this was originally written for
you, Seti.

In believability and, as you put it, whether or not the world feels "alive", the townspeople are far more interesting than the ones in Daggerfall. They can be asked about various rumors, including general/lore-based ones in addition to speaking highly of accomplished quests. You can ask them about their background, occupation, and the like - and most of all (this is my favorite), they put hoods up when it's raining/snowing! A nice little novelty, if I do say so myself. You can also encounter prosttutes, shifty thieves, beggars, and other unique characters in addition to the generic wandering townspeople. I'd say the cities feel much more vibrant and alive than those of any other TES game.
Another thing I enjoy about this game is the wilderness, which is pretty interesting compared to Daggerfall's. No, you can't travel all of Tamriel in real time - each city has its own confined "wilderness" around it, and reaching the end of the map only causes it to wrap around and place you back on the other side. Still, despite having been procedurally generated like Daggerfall's, you can find lots of neat things like abandoned castles, small villages, crypts, lakes, even functioning rowboats to get around faster in the water!
Damn that indent function looks nice! Anyway, I kind of like Arena's visuals better, too - the textures are all 64x64 whereas Daggerfall's can go twice as high in either dimension, but there's something about the first game that's just nicer. I think it's the color palette. Wheras Daggerfall has a very subdued and earthy palette of browns, greys and oranges, Arena's locations are alive with colorful stained glass images and lush hedge gardens.
Sadly, it does not, assuming you are referring to the one that isn't annoying.
The non-annoying one
is actually in Daggerfall, but only plays if you run the game with General MIDI. Which has the added benefits of giving shops their own tune as opposed to the evil tavern music. I still play with Soundblaster emulation, though. Primarily so I can hear http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4vIeqK8J3bI badass tune. :toughninja:
But Daggerfall doesn't have Arena's bad ass weaponsmith theme. Sadly.
Ooh ooh ooh! This one, right? If/when DaggerXL reaches a moddable state, I'm so re-implementing this song in the weapon shops and possibly some of the guilds.