Broken quests ruin it for me

Post » Wed Aug 18, 2010 12:57 pm

This game could have been a really good one. I just can't get past broken quest lines and glitches that make completing a quest impossible. I can take some freezing here and there and slow load times once in a while but when it affects me completing something that bothers me. I have at least three quests that I can't do anything with because of a glitch. I am hoping for another patch, but I fear, like one person said the code is like a rats nest so they may never fix it. If Obsidian wanted to keep us happy they would offer some DLC free as compensation but I know they wouldn't do that. I played the heck out of Fallout 3 until I found every little thing. I am going to quickly finish NV and then put it up. Sorry to rant, just a little frustrated at the ridiculous things you have to do to play a game. Seems so much work it takes the fun out of it.
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Ludivine Poussineau
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Post » Wed Aug 18, 2010 8:33 pm

Yea I agree here, this game seems rushed because of all the game breaking glitches that are even present in the main quest line. Some people put up to 80 hours into the game only to have one of the last main quest glitch up and all that time dedicated was for nothing. Obsidian really needs to work on how they are handling this problem especially with keeping in touch with the community and having people tell them about glitches so they can check them out.
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Sabrina Schwarz
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Post » Wed Aug 18, 2010 9:05 pm

I agree. I loved so much Fallout 3 and I played it deeply like you.
In NV I had FOUR broken quests in the last 5 hours of play... one of them is "ED-E my Love". Without taking account of the broken "Still in the Dark" that made me throw away my previous 70hrs game, before the second patch.
New Vegas is a very good game, but how can we enjoy it at 100% if there's a problem every 10 minutes of playing? :/
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Steven Hardman
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