I started reading this topic on the STEAM forums earlier today:
I installed all the graphical mods on there + a few more (DarnifiedUI, replaced the Menu video, did the 4GB patch and installed OBSE + FastExit).
I also ran BOSS.exe a few times to relieve any other conflicts.
Now when i was finished i took a look in-game and my jaw simply dropped because of how vast and rich everything looked.
I was also amazed the patching process (even though it was slightly more complicated for some mods) worked completely without a single crash.
Then i pressed tab to check out the world map and noticed all icons had the wrong offset and that i wasn't able to view the entire map any longer.
I was hoping you experienced lot here might be able to give me a hint as to which mod or load-order conflict is probably making this happen.
I tried disabling the GUI mod, the colourfull map mod and also tried changing their orders to no avail.
Thanks in advance for any help.