I recently rolled in a new character, http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v519/Cliffworms/Kilem.jpg. It was the first time I rolled one, as I've pretty much always made thieves and assassins before.
That guy has a pretty cool background.
Spoiler Your earliest memories are of being hungry, cold and
alone. You never were able to find out who your parents
were, or how you came to be left to survive by yourself
in the city streets. You can recall only a few mental
scenes from your childhood. One of the more vivid ones
were finding a gold-filled purse on a corpse in
an alley. Much of your childhood was a daily struggle
simply to stay alive, and retain your few possessions,
and you can remember distinctly the time when
you decided nothing else mattered but gold.
As you got older, only a few people were able to
penetrate the shell that was forming around your
friendlier inclinations. The most significant of them
was Perina Theosar, who had just been accepted
to the city guards. At first, Perina Theosar
would bring you food and provide some weapons practice
and advice for you, but eventually she sponsored your
petition for acceptance to a novice warriors' school,
and provided a portion of the gold required as payment.
Then, after your training was complete, she was able to
get you a job as a guard for one of the many merchants'
caravans that criss-crossed Tamriel's roads and
Over the next two years, you rented yourself to a
succession of these caravans, learning much of Tamriel
and its inhabitants. You also polished your
longblade skills with some actual fighting
experiences in the rougher and more unsettled portions
of the continent. You found it easy to transfer your
early self-defensive inclinations to the caravan as a
whole. Finally though, you decided to return to your
home city and seek out your friend Inge Hararsen.
You discovered, however, that she had likewise
progressed quickly, and had been invited to the Imperial
City to join a troop of the Imperial Guards. The trip
to the capital drained your funds, so you immediately
took a job there, working evenings at maintaining order
in one of the rowdier inns.
You made friends with all the regulars in the inn, but
your sympathy was won by a nervous, mute boy who kept
the bar stocked. He seemed so frightened and alone that
he reminded you of your own lonely childhood. When one
of the drunken regulars stuck the boy, you leapt to his
defense. The boy looked at you with such gratitude that
your heart almost broke. Then, a few days later, he
Months later, while you were helping restock the cellar,
you were called to the front door, and there was the boy
again. This time he was dressed in Imperial robes and
surrounded by escorts including Inge Hararsen.
The "mute" boy spoke in an unmistakably aristocratic
voice, "My name is Prince Trabbatus, son of the
true Emperor of Tamriel, Uriel Septim VII. When I was
in hiding, fleeing from the wrath of the usurper Jagar
Tharn, you befriended me and saved my life. Please
accept the greatest gift the Emperor can bestow, his
He also presented you with a summons from the Emperor
himself, who apparently had need of a champion such as
you. Perhaps your luck was finally beginning to change.
I'm quite fond of mine. Daggerfall's character backstories are but a piece of the game's rich writing that has waned in prominence since Ken Rolston and Tedders left Bethesda. I've only ever stuck with perhaps three characters in the game, so I haven't heard most of the stories you guys have posted. Really interesting!
Spoiler You were born to a peasant family in a tiny village in
the forests of Valenwood. Your parents and older
brothers were hard workers, proud of their strength and
endurance. The only thing big about you was your appetite.
You were of an inquisitive nature. No cupboard, closet, or
drawer was safe from your prying eyes and fingers. You
left no traces, but still your father and brothers beat
you when they caught you. By the time you were eleven,
they no longer caught you. Your mother taught you
bargaining and running, but you had no other
schooling and wanted none.
Once, you climbed the wall of the local training ground
and spied on the young squires at practice. When
their equipment was left lying about you took it for your
own. In this way, you acquired a tanto and a dagger.
You also adopted a jacket shed by its owner and wore it
proudly about the village.
One day, you saw some village boys hurling stones and
insults at an old woman named Khafeliz Solbus.
Moved by an impulse you did not understand, you flung
rocks back at the boys. They laughed, but as you drew
near, they turned and ran away. You went back to
Khafeliz Solbus and offered to see her to her door.
"Come inside," Khafeliz Solbus said. "I have
something for you." Her cottage was just one room, with
cats and kittens everywhere. "Sit down," she said,
removing two cats from a stool. "I'm going to teach you
about locks and picks."
"Why?" you asked.
"The cats don't need training in locks,"
Belladyvyra Gaersmith said. "You do. Or will. No matter."
Thus your training began. Her hands could no longer
perform, but her mind was still efficacious. You and
Belladyvyra Gaersmith became friends, as well as
student and teacher.
On your sixteenth birthday, she told you that you must
leave. Your little village was too small for someone of
your talents.
"What of you?" you asked.
"I also must move on. Perhaps some day you will visit me
in the Iliac Bay? I would like that. Until then, I have
my memories and my cats."
On your way to the Imperial City, you stopped in an inn
and heard that the Emperor was to pass the next day.
Instead of sneaking into a room, you spent the night in
a tree beside the road. You wanted to see the Emperor,
later there would always be chances to
check out the pickings in the area.
The procession was very splendid indeed, but a nearby
rustle drew your attention. A black clad man was
crouching on a limb ten feet beneath you. You gasped
before you could stop yourself, and he twisted around,
bringing his bow to bear on you. With no time to draw a
weapon, you flung yourself at him, and together you
crashed down on the heads below, just as the Emperor's
carriage drew abriast.
Hands seized you roughly. You felt dizzy and a trail
of fire burned along your left arm. Poison! Then a white
robed elf muttered an incantation over you. Your arm
cooled and your head cleared. The Emperor himself thanked
you and gave you a dagger wrought of ebony.
The local folk treated you to drinks and food and
unaccustomed praise. Later you slipped away and found
that in addition to an ebony dagger,
the Emperor had handed you a note inviting you to share an
audience with him at the Imperial Palace. You set out
Awesome story here. I never rolled in a Wood Elf thief. It'd be great to see those random background generators in future Elder Scrolls game. They add a lot to your character.
So, have you found Belladyvyra Gaersmith in the Illiac Bay? Let us know if you do. It'd be funny if she's one of those tavern [censored]s. Or even a "lady in green" stucked in a dungeon quest.

I also find funny how in each background story where your character meets someone, that person's name changes when he/she's mentioned for the second time in the story.