Bug Report: Quest VMS45 (Oh My Papa)

Post » Wed Aug 18, 2010 6:23 pm

I ran into a problem with the "Oh My Papa" Quest (VMS45) last night, and it annoyed me off enough to do a full investigation and figure it out. Here is what I learned:

Quest Name: Oh My Papa
Quest FormID: VMS45
Quest Objective of problem point: 35
Severity: P2-P4 (not game crashing)



In the quest, one of the objectives (35) is to: "Find Regis evidence that Caesar will annhilate the Great Khans". This objective can be completed in one of two ways:

1. The player can satisfy the 3 conditions of the objective outright;

1a. Player must get Karl's journal out of the trunk in his room.
1b. Player must posses/acquire "The Mark of Caesar"
1c. Player must posses/acquire "The Legion Slave Ledger"

2. Regis can complete the objective for the player in Dialoge Topic: "RegisCaesar"

The problem is that for those of us generally following the NCR/good path, the Mark of Caesar and the Legion Slave Ledgar can only be acquired from The Fort (the main Legion base), and worse it's Inside Caesar's tent! (screenshot provided). This means that to get these items and satisfy Objective 35 outright, we basically have to destroy the legion at both the Crossroads docks and at The Fort. Only then would a good player have access to that journal. Now if you had about a dozen stealth boys and used them consecutively, you could sneak the entire way in and get the journal but you would have to know exactly where it is. That seems like a rather strong requirement for this quest given the stated objective (find evidence) and doesn't help the player with getting the Mark of Caesar - I think that has to be given?

The only other way that I can find to resolve Objective 35 is to get the speech topic "RegisCaesar", which clearly is the result of him seeing Karl's Journal:

"Let me see. {Thoughtful, dawning horror}My God, this is even worse than I thought. Okay, you have my support. I'll tell Papa the alliance is a bad idea."

... and Objectives 35, 38 and 50 are all completed in the result script as soon as he says this. I think this is where the sticking-point is, as by this point in the quest we've killed or disgraced Karl in front of the Khan (so he's out of the way), convinced Melissa and Jack/Diane, and the only thing left is to find good evidence of Karl's plan - obviously his Journal. However when we get the Journal, it doesn't set us on the path to show Regis and get that "RegisCaesar" speech topic that would resolve Objective 35 on the spot. I think the conditions for getting "The Mark of Caesar" and "The Legion Slave Ledger" are evidence for another path through the quest, a different way for the player to break the alliance apart and that makes sense for playres that can get into Caesar's tent without combat (ally to legion I suppose?).

For the Goodie/NCR-allied player however, we really need the acquisition of Karl's journal to either Copmlete objective 35 OR send us back to Regis (perhaps add a new objective, 39 is free) that would send us back to Regis with Karl's journal in-hand and which would trigger the "RegisCaesar" dialogue topic to resolve the requirement. As it stands now, it's very unlikely that an NCR-allied player will ever get the Mark of Caesar OR this was intended as a level 20+ quest in which we are expected to take out the Legion first and get the slave ledger. My problem with that scenario is that it would make no sense for the player to break apart the Legion/Khans alliance as the Legion will already have been destroyed by the players hand!

So either the requirements of the quest are very high and should be better explained by the NPC as to what's expected of the player (getting that Ledger and the Mark of Caesar), or (my recommendation) they should create a link between the Acquistion of Karl's journal and the "RegisCaesar" diaolge topic that would resolve the objective right in-camp as I think was intended. This seems to be what may have been intended as the RegisCaesar topic is not linked to the rest of the dialogue tree so it won't be explicitly called by another topic. After 35 is complete however, the quest wraps-up nicely, its just this one sticking point that needs attention or clarification. Thus (at least in my amateur-modder view), Objective 35 and the RegisCaesar Topic seem to be the keys to this problem.



GECK screenshots of Objective 35 Requirements (http://www.newvegasnexus.com/imageshare/images/899612-1288180007.jpg, http://www.newvegasnexus.com/imageshare/images/899612-1288180242.jpg, http://www.newvegasnexus.com/imageshare/images/899612-1288180322.jpg)

Screenshot of complete objective oncehttp://www.newvegasnexus.com/imageshare/images/899612-1288181627.jpg and acquired the http://www.newvegasnexus.com/imageshare/images/899612-1288180600.jpgfrom http://www.newvegasnexus.com/imageshare/images/899612-1288180475.jpg

Recommendations / Possible Solutions:


1. I recommend completing Objective 35 when the player acquires Karl' Journal, and creating a new Objective #39 with text similar to "Return to Regis with the proof from Karl's Journal" and setting Target as NPC Regis. Then change the conditions of the "RegisCaesar" to allow that topic when the player completes Objective 39, closing the circle.

2. Modify the conditions of Objective 35 so that a player can complete the objective once we get Karl's Journal, and get directed back to Regis. Recommend adding a condition in this case to make sure Karl is dead and that the player is trying to break-up the alliance so Evil players won't complete the objective just by getting Karl's Journal.

Lastly, should I change the format of my bug reports in any way? I want to make them as useful as possible!


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Sheila Reyes
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