Which was majorly utilized in the pre-christian roman empire...
Honestly, I can't see what you're trying to get out of this thread. TES is not intentionally a commentary on our world, either in the real-life elements it alludes to or the ones it straight-out borrows. In the end, it borrows or alludes to way too much to be a coherent picture of one glimpse of humanity/time-period or another.
As I said way earlier in this thread, it's only allegory if you make it allegory.
The socio-industrial trends of Tamriel, outside of tiny little anecdotes and incidences, have little in common in broad scale with those of real life because they start from completely different premises.
The religious and societal trends of Tamriel have even less in common in broad scale with those of real life, because they too start from completely different premises.
Christianity is irrelevant to TES, especially since Gods are both defined in the sense that they're irrefutably there, and blurred in the sense that what it means to be a "god" is questionable. Especially when you can Reach Heaven by Violence. And then there's the defined "afterlife" involves soul-recycling or lunar currency to slingshot you to the entity who best suits your AE.
True, TES has alchemy. True, The Imperials as presented in TES:IV have Roman influences. But that's not enough to insinuate similar timeframes or to try and map out a real-world timeframe that TES takes place in. Because of the complexity of the mish-mash, it's pretty much impossible for one. And for two, even attempting to do so is to cheapen what the ES universe represents in a way.