» Thu Aug 19, 2010 4:02 am
I've played Fallout 3 on and off for about 2 years now, I'm playing through a big guns character right now actually. But even then there are things I wish did not exist.
Raiders able to shoot me from across the map with shotguns. (Exaggeration for sure but their accuracy with shotguns gave me pause.)
Binary moral choices. I always felt I was adhering to the games strict moral code, not a code of my own. It was like somebody always looking over my shoulder and berating me because that's not how he would of done it. It was either evil, too evil, good, or too good. I personally wanted to gun down Roy Phillips after the Tenpenny Tower quest on my first play through when I learned what happened there. But the game still deems it an evil act, despite that all these people in here just committed widespread murder and fed them to ferals in the basemant. Yet if I go "whoa, hold on here" and kill them for this act, I'm Satan. Or I can become a Christ-like figure by donating water to beggars. Does not compute. It’s this reason why I enjoyed the Pitt a lot and always replay it on new characters. It was up to you to decide what was right and to follow through, you had to do some dirty work.
A more tolerable DJ. I like three dog but in a lot of ways he's just lawful stupid, always his way and spreading BoS propaganda because they are personally saving his ass. In some ways I see very little between him an the enclave station, the only difference is that he is up to date on more current events. Or taking pot shots at my character for not adhering to his set of personal morals
Dudes with muttonstaches or doom rider facial hair styles. The sight of them weakens my heart with fear.
S.P.E.C.I.A.L. actually meaning something.