AI stopping on Worldspace transition

Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:25 am


I have a quest in which you follow an NPC into a new worldspace. To simulate a long time passing, the player gets moved up to a high location, and the timescale is sped up, so that you can see the sun swoop across the sky. When it is night, the timescale is changed back to normal, the NPC (who has been standing waiting out of sight during this) gets moved to the new worldspace, and the player gets moved to be just behind the NPC in the new worldspace. On arrival in the new worldspace a quest update is triggered, which pops up a message, and calls an evaluatepackage on the NPC to get him to continue walking to where he needs to go.

However, that last bit just isn't happening. The evaluatepackage gets called (I know because I put debug messages in it already), but the NPC just stands there, despite me triple-checking that if an evp was called the correct package should be run. Even if I attack him he just stands there and doesn't do anything! (although he does say "Oi! Why are you attacking me" etc) What's even more aggravating is that yesterday, it worked once, and then without me changing anything involved in those quests it stopped working!

Has anyone else encountered this issue before? If so is there anyway to get the AI to evaluate properly?

Thanks in advance :)
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James Shaw
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:40 pm

EDIT - Nevermind, I fixed it. Jeesh, I'm annoyed with myself now. :(
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Melanie Steinberg
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