Been fighting with this bug now for a few days.. I cant seem to find a fix.
Scenario :
An allied camp in my new worldspace that has 10 or so npc's set to sleep packages, and each has their own designated bed (owned by each npc) to sleep in. Now their Ai package is the first in the list, and for sure, they are by default set to sleep.
Problem.. when the player reaches the allied camp (after taking 5 minutes at least just to get there).. he get's a chance at seeing the wonderful view of seeing from one to maybe four of them actually climbing into bed.. When they should have already been asleep by then.
This is some crazy stuff, and it is certainly another issue with Oblivion's Ai..
Here is what I have tried to do to fix this :
Call an evp on them after the player gets into the new world.. made no difference.. (of course.. because they are already running the sleep package by default anyhow)
Make a fancy fade out sequence.. that .. once the screen goes to black, the player is teleported to the allied camp to load the camp actors in memory as they should be.. Then return them to position and do a fade in..
This particular attempt I thought would work. I know for a *fact* that if I teleport the player directly to the allied camp via MoveToMarker.. All the camp actors are instantly in bed.. all nice and perfect. Unfortunately.. it did not work.. when the player comes back to the allied camp by foot, same old issue seeing some of the actors going to sleep (again)! It seems that Oblivion does not hold the cell memory of exterior cells, I even tried a purgeCellBuffer before doing the teleport.. made no difference..
I truly can't seem to find a fix for this. Oblivion just simply will not update their current 'sleeping' status until the player gets into the loaded area.. and then he may see (it's random, sometimes it happens, sometimes it doesent) one or more actors stepping into their tents to sleep.. Which of course is not a desirable look..
My only option now is to just let it happen, I cant find a fix.
Maybe someone has an idea I could test, or heck even a potential fix I have missed. Any help welcome..