Questions about CM partners and SetGhost?

Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:30 pm

When I first noticed that Haskill is untouchable by anything I decided that my CM partners must have this. So what I did is I added another function to PartnerScript:

Start GameMode
SetGhost 1

This made my partners untouchable as well however they refuse to attack anything. I ran through 1 oblivion gate with 2 companions and 1 of them killed a hellhound for some reason but for the rest of the trip they just stayed behind me with smiles on their faces... and I also tried sparring mode and it worked, my companion started hitting me.

My question is wether its possible to make NPCs(specifically CM partners) work with SetGhost 1 on? Because I'm really tired of accidentally hitting them and their stupid actions (like running into a swarm of enemies and getting knocked out).
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Andrew Tarango
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