Nekhanimal that video was awsome.
I play your vampire mod with Lithians.. they seem to work pretty well together.
But that video.. wow I like it! I always thought that was missing in oblivion..
Hell not even UD has that

Also are they just going to randomly come out of no where and bite you?
Or will they do more? Like rob you or try to kill you?..
These vampires have a chance of popping out of nowhere every 2-8 minutes of real time (depending on how well prepared you are), never in cities or interiors, never when you're in combat and always somewhere behind you. Most of them wear light footwear, so you can't really hear them coming... I always check my back every now and then while travelling after dark. There are some issues with her disappearing in the video that I've since fixed, she now casts an invisibility spell instead of suddenly disappearing.
The chance of these vampires appearing depends on a LOT of things, like your Luck, how much Meat (any meat but Mort Flesh) and Blood you're carrying, whether you're using a Torch, carrying Garlic, Vampire Dust, etc. What they want to do depends entirely on what kind of vampire they are. Anna the Poor (the beggar in the video) actually only wants money to buy Blood elsewhere, she's not too happy about being a vampire. Once you learn this, you can give her a coin and she might spare your life, give her a handful and she definitely will, a bottle of Blood if you've got one and she'll leave you alone for a long while afterwards... or you can be a ponce and throw Garlic at her, insult her, etc. which is fun, but makes her hate you. Whether you're able to do any of this depends on your Speechcraft and Personality.
If a vampire hates you (or if you fail a Luck roll), they won't bother talking to you, they'll just run up and ninja-feed. Sometimes being fed on will have bad effects, i.e. beggar/rogue type vampires will steal your cash, old and powerful vampires will drain so much blood your Attributes will take a hit, and you will always get Porphyria. It's preferable to avoid being fed on altogether by carrying anti-vampire items and staying near the Imperial Watch when possible. There will be a Public Threat Awareness notice hanging in each city reminding you of this. If you are facing a vampire while it tries to feed on you, there's a chance based on your Agility/Endurance and Block skill (just as if you were feeding on someone with Violent Feed) that it will fail, but if they are behind you they will always succeed.
Obviously as a vampire you don't have to worry about any of these assaults. Without Vampiric Senses on, they'll still run up to you, but not feed on you or hurt you. As a vampire you can talk to them as normal, buy blood, etc, and also ask some of them that they accompany and protect you for the price of a blood bottle. They'll leave as soon as you enter a city or an interior, when the sun rises or if you talk to anyone else, and you can only have one of these followers at a time.
If you kill a road feeder vampire, you will not encounter it for a week, and the chance of vampire attacks will be lowered appropriately for that time. Killing a road feeder as a vampire will NOT count towards making you an Outcast, as long as you aren't seen by any vampires while doing it.
NOTE: None of the above is out yet! It's what I have planned for v1.82. A week from now, perhaps?