I've released the final version of my Abandoned Mountain Shack. The shack is an exterior home you can fix up yourself. As an exterior home, the "interior" is actually part of the exterior world, so you can see out the windows, hear the wind blowing through the trees, and so forth. When you click on the door, you are not transported to some other cell, you just open the door and walk in. It's a very different experience. (It will never rain inside the shack). Since the shack has been abandoned for many years, it's in poor shape. The outside is littered with old bones, fallen logs and other debris. Things are becoming overgrown with vines and are in a general state of disarray. Inside, the lights and stoves burned out long ago, spider webs are everywhere, and there's a big hole in the floor. There's more--but you get the idea. However, everything can be fixed--by you. Fixing it up is actually a mini-adventure game within Oblivion. Once it's fixed up, the shack has several unique features that can be very helpful to your character. You'll have to discover these for yourself.
I am very grateful for the response to the shack so far. It has been featured on the opening page of Find a Home at Oblivion's Real Estate since it's initial release (thanks Shezrie). It is also currently leading as File of the Month at TES Nexus. Although I am happy with this final version of the shack, it's not for everybody. If you are looking for a big house or a mansion with lots of display cases, an indoor pool, and so forth, the shack's not for you. If you are looking for a unique rustic home with one of the best views in all of Cyrodiil, this just might be the ticket. You can find it at: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=22846.