I have a custom worldspace. It is reached via a door. I have made sure that there are path nodes right up to the door (and on the other side), but even when a guard is actually attacking me on the doorstep, if I go through the door it appears very hit and miss if the guard follows or not. (The guards are just the standard game NPC's, not my own)
To make matters stranger, if I go through the door and the guard does not, and I return straight away, sometimes the guard will be nowhere around, and sometimes he will be standing there, and will look at me, even call out at me, but unless I actually attack him, he will otherwise ignore me. On those occasions where the guard does actually follow me, everything continues as normal, with him chasing and attacking me.
Is there a reason for this reluctance to follow me through a door? If I commit crimes in the Imperial City for example, and run through a door, the guards will follow me, even if they are not right behind me, but they seen unwilling (or unable) to follow me through my own door, to my own worldspace.
Any advice would be great.