So, what is Ghoul Rising?
Well, it's a Ghoul Enhancement Mod-- it uses NVSE to affect all NPC Ghouls, both Ferals and NPCs/Non-Ferals. It is designed to make Ghouls a little more of a challenge-- after all, they are basically the Fallout Universe's equivelant of Zombies. Although it contradicts the Lore slightly, Ghouls can now only be permanently put-down by destroying their heads. You can still "kill" Ghouls by shooting them elsewhere, but as long as the head is intact, they will revive after a short time, and come after you again. You have enough time between stopping them and their resurrection to put a few rounds in their heads, and finish them off for good.
(Now, doesn't that sound vaguely familiar? Yep-- it was the Dead Money Ghosts who inspired the change: in the original FO3 version of Ghoul Rising, I had it set so that ONLY Head damage counted, with all other damage being negated-- this is why it became so difficult. Having seen the Ghosts, I decided to incorporate their rise-back-up aspect).
Ghouls also receive several additional benefits:
- Increased Health
- Increased Damage Resistance
- Steady Healing Factor
They can also gain bonus stats that make them tougher again (only 2 so far, but hopefully more)
- Boosted Health (+200 Health)
- Boosted Damage Threshold
Current Progress:
- Ghouls Die Correctly when their Head is destroyed
- Ghouls Resurrect if their Head is not destroyed
- New XP Calculations
- Pre-Dead Ghouls Unaffected
- Ghouls Receive Bonuses
Current Issues:
- Old XP still Awarded
- Ghouls Receive all Bonuses, for some reason
Further Aims:
- Additional Bonuses
- More Ghoul Spawns
- New Ghoul Types
- Player Perks