The handy Bag of Holding. It has so much stuff in it that it propably implodes into a black hole pretty soon :ahhh:
Normally in houses, but i can't decide which to use. I have an assassin character in both Thieves Guild and Dark Brotherhood, so should i use the Thieves Den, the Vile Lair, or just the inconspicuous waterfront shack? :unsure:
Normally in houses, but i can't decide which to use. I have an assassin character in both Thieves Guild and Dark Brotherhood, so should i use the Thieves Den, the Vile Lair, or just the inconspicuous waterfront shack? :unsure:
Depends on your char's personality. If he's antisocial or a loner, he'd probably prefer the Vile Lair.
Also, after the DB questline is done, all the chests in the living quarters are safe. That may work for you.