war is rarely prosperous if it is the kind of defensive war redoran is (apparently) fighting with the nords, and i was under the impression that ald'ruhn became the council seat because of the threat to the mainlanbd holdings, which basically implies the house isn't in good shape on the mainland, and what with the destruction of ald'ruhn (and presumerably the many many redoran warriors who would have died in defence of their house) it doesn't seem to be in good shape on vvardenfell. as well as this, it was deeply dedicated to the temple, and as the temple has also (stupidly, imo) apparently collapsed, this takes away a large portion of the influence wielded by redoran. needles to say, helseth would also have done his best to damage the house, as it was/is the antithesis to hlaalu, and probably stood as one of the greatest internal threats to his rule.
also, from "the fall of ald'ruhn" : "With their warrior House decimated", and "REMEMBER REDORAN. NEVER FORGET."
don't imagine for a second i am happy about any of this, as i also love redoran, but it is what it is
From the op wiki link:
In the game Oblivion, citizens of Cyrodiil speak of House Indoril being in ruins as the result of machinations of the new king, Hlaalu Helseth, and his House Hlaalu and House Dres allies.
Currently, House Indoril has no territorial holdings on the island of Vvardenfell, all of its territory is located on mainland Morrowind. Its capital is Mournhold, also the capital of Morrowind itself.
People who rule their nations on the basis of mere rumour are likely in trouble - but they just don't know it.
Moderator: No argument by anology to current real-world politics; it's against the rules, and there's too great a risk of offense sufficient to require moderator intervention.edit - heh - you're right - the argument does not actually need the RL anology - ty

end edit
It is likely that Redoran was badly damaged by the loss of Ald'ruhn - but cities can be rebuilt - Remember Redoran. Likewise Indoril 'recently' lost their leader and spokes-person/goddess to madness and then death so they have no voice until another leader takes over the reigns.
Sure Helseth would want a new ruler/head of Indoril to be him or no one - and will have put out a lot of propaganda to that effect. Look at the the past though - many Indoril nobles committed suicide so their children took up the reigns of power and carried on.
Likewise you also suggests that House Dres is weakened but from what I have seen there is a lot of money in illicit dealing so illegal activity for a house that is notorious for the 'dark' side of its operations both in Morrowind and outside should not be a problem - they could always keep their slaves on as 'indentured' labour and spend less on their wages than on them as slaves - at least slaves do not go into debt.
Anyhows it's early days yet - there is a lot more to be considered such as the position of the Empire and the effect of a hole in Imperial politics as well as the long-term effects of the destruction wrought by the Gates episode. We do not really know if that will strengthen or weaken Helseth - but we would expect him to go 'uber' and present himself as a strongman because we saw him employ that tactic in Mournhold in response to the weakening Tribunal.
Thus we know that Helseth who is the Imperial 'king' will present/publicise himself in the Imperial Province as strong and those he consiers enemies or opponents as weak. What you have at this stage is 'news/spin' - wait and see what history has to say about Helseth and Indoril - there is a reason that one only becomes a saint after death - because to be a saint your whole life must be judged