A plethora of problems

Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:07 pm

Ya'll probably get these kind of threads all the time, and for that, I apologize, but... somethin's screwy with my game. As in, two of my quests are kinda sorta frozen.

For the quest May The Best Thief Win... I've hit a weird point. I was playing the quest normally, failing at everything, and then it was announced that the book was stolen before I could get to it, but I could steal it from the person in question before she turned it in. That's all well and good, but I was messing around while waiting for her in my ambush spot and I killed myself jumping off a cliff. I respawned, obviously, and I respawned before she stole the book.

Which is where the wierdness comes in. I eventually did get to break into Amantius's house, and the green arrow-thing came up showing that the book was there: But it wasn't. The book wasn't on, or in the desk... So I broke into the other thief's house while she was asleep to see if she had it, but she didn't... and the quest hasn't ended. Its like the book just vanished, no one has it, and I can't continue the quest. I looked it up in the Wiki and there wasn't even any mention of this kind of bug...

So, a little help? Is this something I can fix or do I just have to live without being in the thieve's guild?

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casey macmillan
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:34 am

Ya'll probably get these kind of threads all the time, and for that, I apologize, but... somethin's screwy with my game. As in, two of my quests are kinda sorta frozen.

For the quest May The Best Thief Win... I've hit a weird point. I was playing the quest normally, failing at everything, and then it was announced that the book was stolen before I could get to it, but I could steal it from the person in question before she turned it in. That's all well and good, but I was messing around while waiting for her in my ambush spot and I killed myself jumping off a cliff. I respawned, obviously, and I respawned before she stole the book.

Which is where the wierdness comes in. I eventually did get to break into Amantius's house, and the green arrow-thing came up showing that the book was there: But it wasn't. The book wasn't on, or in the desk... So I broke into the other thief's house while she was asleep to see if she had it, but she didn't... and the quest hasn't ended. Its like the book just vanished, no one has it, and I can't continue the quest. I looked it up in the Wiki and there wasn't even any mention of this kind of bug...

So, a little help? Is this something I can fix or do I just have to live without being in the thieve's guild?


I remember doing that quest. I believe there is an actual desk there with a chair, but that is not where it is. It was in the thing that looks like a schools art desk. It is a little brown desk that is triangular rather than flat topped. If you checked there already and it is not there, sounds like you may nee to reload again to a previous save if possible.
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Laura Tempel
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:42 pm

Check your journal and see if you got the entry that tells you that the book was stolen before you got to it. If Methredhel took it before you did, she will hide it inside a locked chest in her house, so check that too. If you still can't find it then you'll probably need to load an earlier save game, if you have one. Save often :)

And welcome to the forums, have a http://www.uesp.net/w/images/images.new/c/c4/Fishystick.jpg :)
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carley moss
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:32 pm

Check your journal and see if you got the entry that tells you that the book was stolen before you got to it. If Methredhel took it before you did, she will hide it inside a locked chest in her house, so check that too. If you still can't find it then you'll probably need to load an earlier save game, if you have one. Save often :)

And welcome to the forums, have a http://www.uesp.net/w/images/images.new/c/c4/Fishystick.jpg :)

Thanks! (nomz)

No, its stuck on "a begger told you where (whatever his name is) lives, go steal that stuff, yo". And I tore through his house and I couldn't find anything resembling a diary... T_T

I'll just restart the game, I haven't gotten very far anyway. Thanks for the help, though! =D

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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:53 pm

If nothing else works, it is possible to fail that quest and still join the guild. The redguard (whatever his name was) gives you another chance to prove yourself.
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