in the morrowind section we have such a wonderful "starting out with mods" thread. do you have one here as well? maybe i can ask some questions? yeah, I hate it too when the same question is asked over and over again... but i help those noobs though every single time (as long as no one was faster

My questions may be Morrowind-related and seem silly for some of you, so just laugh if you want to^^
So, here it comes:
1. There are several body-replacers, right? and several stuff like armor and clothing for them. which one is newer and has more opportunities? i know you cannot link advlt stuff, that's okay i will find it without links. if the erm... briast size differs, is this important if i want to wear an armor? (do armors have cup-sizes???)
2. i want high-rez landscapes. pluginless? is that even possible?
3. i want as much as high-rez as possible! are there some must-haves, some standards? also for the faces and bodies (the new bodies)?
4. i know there are several overhauls. which one makes the levelling closest to mw?
5. is there a mod that enchanted items regenerate?
6. is there a mod that mana does not?
7. is there a mod that skips the quest marker and removes the fast travel?
9. i hear names of mods but of course don't know them. better cities, better landscapes... are they a graphical or a quest experience?
0. what i don't need: horses, companions, houses...
please help me. for specification: i have a very beautiful morrowind, full of clothiers and armorers but changed nothing much about the game, the experience and the game-colours except for hirez stuff and some landmasses that don't influence the original.
thanks people.