i think the alduin is akatosh thing in general may be slightly obscure .. i dont feel we will actually be fighting the akatosh i think there may be more to it than akatosh is alduin whos destroying skyrim with his dragon pals, i think they may be a bit more to it
Yeah, tbh I heard on these forums a while back that Beth aims not to decieve the player in any form.
What you see is what you get more or less these days...
However they may have stepped up and changed tactics, seeking to appease some complaints with gamers.
Until Skyrims release however all is speculation and shouts of "hey this is a cool way of looking at it" from posters.
I do hope they've got a few dragons to leap Fonzie style, some dreams to wake from, some McGuffins baked and psychadelicaly ready though.
As I really hope that Alduin is a apocalyptic seismic shift in Nirn that has woken up a bunch of dragons..
Of which the leader is calling himself Alduin looking to mantle the god Akatosh in the form of Nordic destroyer / genitor, whoah flashback.
Edit: It may be me, but the company sounds lovely when you call it Beth.