When Bethesda released the TES IV GOTY edition they officially ended developement for Oblivion. Even if this wasn't the case adding multiplayer to an engine after the fact is
extremely difficult to do so this wouldn't have been considered either way.
As for future titles . . . there have been two Elder Scrolls spin-offs with multiplayer support so far, Battlespire and Shadowkey, and it's certainly possible that we'll see others some time in the future. Bethesda's sister studio, Zenimax Online Studios, may even be working on an Elder Scrolls MMO - they haven't said anything to this effect, but we know they're working on an MMO and it would make sense to use the Elder Scrolls universe.
However I doubt that the core Elder Scrolls series will ever have multiplayer. Even when you plan to include it from the get go it takes a considerable amount of time and work to implement even fairly basic multiplayer and Bethesda has stated before that they'd rather focus all of their resources on the core game. That is, adding multiplayer would require removing other features and they're not willing to do that.
Multiplayer is a very popular topic on the forums, and has been since they opened. Shadowhider has already linked to the official multiplayer discussion thread . . . I don't know how likely it is that we'll see a multplayer TES game but if you want to discuss your ideas that's the place to do it.