I was thinking today about this, what if there was a different why to earn a house? So anyway, what if you were walking around town and you heard someone was looking for a servent, or you read it on a peice parchment hanging on a wall in the local inn. And if you go to manor were the person lives (most nobles live a life of style so most will live in a manor) you could appliy for the spot. If you lose you could kill the person who has the position. And it just so happens the nobleman of the manor likes adventure. :hubbahubba: So after acheveing the position, you follow the preset quest line for the house.
After a few quests, the nobleman of the manor dies from a chest wound he earned in a dual with an adventurer who had failed too coltect gold owed to the nobleman. A few days his death you recive a note that says the nobleman left his manor in you're posestion, but has had all decor removed. It also goes on to explain that a local shop owner that was a friend of his has home decor for the manor, and for a reasonable price too!
You're thoughts?