The link to the Fallout Nexus is Here:
Community Bug Fix Compilation Patch v0_03
by Morbide, MidnightVoyager, DuskWolf, Revan_Pwn_Malak, htom sirveaux, Aureste, Vivanto, Mashiki, Krag, Paul_NZ, Madcat221, Oddball_E8, Leyic, The FOOK Team, Madae, Brianide, Lexx, Povuholo, GenGrimm, VaultdwellerExile, qazserNOS, toshin, Immortalsinner, Explosivo666, Onibi, Ashen7, Vorph, Macacan, AIDS9001, Uren, Smokindan, Sylphien and Zenball
This is a compilation of fixes available on the Nexus, merged into one esp. As a general rule, this patch is for fixes only - not improvements. A fix will in most cases only go in here if it's broken in the game, not if it's just a bit naff and could do with a brush up. However, if a mod is more of a small tweak that improves immersion in some way and 'should have been in vanilla', I will consider including it. An example of this sort of mod added in v0_02 is Primms Sheriff Tweak v.1 by Revan_Pwn_Malak.
Changelog: Fixes added or changed in v0_03:
Once, again, the inexorable MidnightVoyager has provided us with a fix NOT available on the nexus and therefore EXCLUSIVE to the Combined patch! Wow! Thanks again MV. This adds a say once flag to a dialog topic that would otherwise spam (arf) you with bonuses.
Poor Meat and Food Processor Fix v.1.0 by Uren (fixes the script along with MidnightVoyager's fix)
Brotherhood of Steel Quest Fix v.1.0 by Smokindan
NCR Ranger Combat Armor Fix v.1 by Sylphien
hardcoe Sleep Message by Zenball
Added info in the hardcoe message window about sleep not healing you in hardcoe mode.
UPDATED:(Working) Lightweight Food Sanitizer v.2.5 by Morbide
EDITED: Mojave_Outpost_HQ_typing_bug_fix by Ashen7
Removed a bit of trash at the computers that flashed when viewing from certain angles. These terminals are crying out for a quest now.
REINSTATED: Veronica Endquest Fixer v.1 by Madcat221
Load order and conflicts
Load the patch high in your load order using New Vegas Mod Manager or an alternative to avoid conflicts with other mods that change the same records. Commence caps for emphasis: THERE SHOULD BE NO PROBLEM WITH CONFLICTS SO LONG AS ALL OTHER MODS ARE LOADED BENEATH THIS ONE.
If you really want to make sure that fixes are used, learn to use FNVEdit to merge (where possible) the included fixes into any records overridden by other mods. Everyone who uses mods on any recent Bethesda game should learn how to use the Edit utilities provided by ElminsterEU. It's not hard and you will see exactly where there are conflicts and be able to fix them.
Here's a useful resource for those of you who don't know what it is or how to use it:
Fallout3 Training Manual for FO3Edit
And here's the link to FNVEdit by Elminster EU
Suggestions and Requests
I'll do requests as far as I'm able - when any other tried and tested community bug fixes surface, please let me know in the comments and I'll endeavour to put them in. If I could just ask that you let a fix 'brew' for a little bit before suggesting it, either by personally testing it or by seeing that it has a good response in the mod thread, that would be helpful and help me avoid adding fixes that don't work/crash the game. Also, when suggesting, if you could use the following format (as I do in the read me) that would save me valuable time too.
*Mod Title* *version number* by *author*
*nexus link*
Many thanks!
Please endorse contributors!
If you endorse this file PLEASE also download and endorse the files from the original authors as a sign of thanks. Many thanks to the authors from me. Also, many thanks to ElminsterAU and his FNVEdit program, with which I merged the fixes together.
The future of the mod
Unless there is vociferous opposition and depending on my personal time I will not be adding mesh or texture fixes such as the dog eye fix to the compilation as my primary purpose is to merge fixes into one esp and not to provide all fixes in one download location. However, I will add a list of links in the read me to mods that fix various mesh and texture issues so please keep providing them in the comment thread. In the event that the amount of these mesh and texture fixes grows to such as size as to make a compilation useful, I will reconsider.
I will also not include any Pre-order DLC as everyone has a different pack so merging them would not be useful - links to any pre-order DLC fixes are provided below.
And keep the suggestions coming!
Excellent bug fix finders
The following people have been active in the comment thread up to v_03, helping me in some way to put the mod together. Thank you to:
zipfile, htom sirveaux, streetstar5, MidnightVoyager, Mashiki, PastramiX, agamemnon1984, Burag3, ajane, Latexschlampe, cerebus23, willssi
Changelog: Fixes added or changed in v0_02:
Poor Meat Fix by MidnightVoyager
Not available on the Nexus - MidnightVoyager 'cooked it up' (arf) especially for the Compilation Patch! For this reason he/she is being rewarded with the Compilation Patch Employee of the Week Award. Well done MV!

This fix fixes the bug described here
(Working) Lightweight Food Sanitizer v.2 by Morbide
REMOVED as author suggest disable after quest has been completed to avoid bugs
*I Put a Spell on You - Quest Fix v.1 by DuskWolf -
Primms Sheriff Tweak v.1 by Revan_Pwn_Malak
Rocket souvenir fix v.1 by htom sirveaux
Raul asks about Ranger Andy v.1 by Aureste
Snowglobe Display v.0.1 by Vivanto
Repairable Cowboy Hats v.0.2 by Mashiki
Scribe Counter Fix (non-francais) v.1 by Krag
44 Magnum SWC Loading Recipe Fix v.10 by Paul_NZ (replaces Handloader44SWCfix by Immortalsinner)
REMOVED It was causing funkiness in Fo3Edit. Hopefully fixable at some point. Maybe use separately for now if you have problems.
*Veronica Endquest Fixer v.1 by Madcat221
Minigun VATS soundfix v.1.0 by Oddball_E8
Boone Soundfix v.1.0 by Oddball_E8
CharGen Tag Calc Fixes v.2 by Leyic
Changelog: Fixes added or changed in v0_01:
FOOK v.0.11 by The FOOK Team (Vanilla bugfixes only, no added content included)
Black Mountain Neil Fix by Madae
Caravan Card Addition Fix by Brianide
Combat Armor Reinforced Mk1 and 2 Fix by Lexx
Distant Gunfire Sound Fix by Povuholo
FNV - BeardEyebrowFix by GenGrimm
Free Radical Perk Fix by VaultdwellerExile
Full Maintenance Fixed by qazserNOS
Gauss Weapon Vats Fix by toshin
Handloader44SWCfix by Immortalsinner
Heave Ho - Euclid C-Finder fix by Explosivo666
Meyers Dialog Fix by Onibi
Mojave_Outpost_HQ_typing_bug_fix by Ashen7
Motor-Runner helmet fix by htom sirveaux
Perk Fix - The Professional by Vorph (NON-PREORDER DLC VERSION - For that check below)
Vault 11 House Wins Fix by Macacan
Veronica Fix by Vorph
Wheel of Fortune quest fix by AIDS9001
Links to mesh and texture fixes (NOT INCLUDED)
Dog Eye Fix by Chaky2 version 1
Weathered 10mm Pistol Fix (for Classic Pack pre-order DLC) by Konork
Links to Pre-Order DLC fixes (NOT INCLUDED)
Pre-order Weapon Perk List Fixes by Vorph