Homosixuality on Nirn

Post » Wed Aug 18, 2010 3:33 pm

I'm straight and can kill straight people in the TES universe, can I sue?
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Post » Wed Aug 18, 2010 9:05 pm

I would expect that casual homosixuality is probably pretty taboo amongst the races of Tamriel. Since they seem to be a mostly agrarian society, people need more children to work the land. However, from a religious/myth stand-point, anything is possible in Tamriel. I mean, c'mon, Hrol did love unto a hillock, people!
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Ross Thomas
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Post » Wed Aug 18, 2010 5:35 pm

I'm straight and can kill straight people in the TES universe, can I sue?

You got a good point there, Zalphon. lol Those damn straight bastards! :swear:
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casey macmillan
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Post » Wed Aug 18, 2010 7:08 pm

Wait. Most people are homophobic?
That can't be! But even if it is, I fail to understand why you wouldn't buy something because it has homosixual content.
Unless it's graphic, in which case it's six. Not that I object to that. But that's Off Topic.

But I must say, I'd like homosixuality to be punishable by death in most provinces... But I suppose that doesn't fit with lore.

If you make a search with Crassius Curio as keywords on the Morrowind forums, you'll quickly notice that a significant number have issues with their male character being the target of Uncle Crassius's affection. Sometimes extremely strong ones. Which means yes, that sort of things can have an impact on sales. which means most game editors prefer to skirt around the issue.
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Josee Leach
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Post » Wed Aug 18, 2010 2:48 pm

skirt around the issue.

Hehehe, skirt.
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Jessica Thomson
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Post » Wed Aug 18, 2010 6:38 pm

Hehehe, skirt.

You know, I was just about to mutter myself, "is this guy five?"


And then I giggled. XD

-- Anyway...--

I agree with what another poster said about Elizabethian-type homosixuality. Yes it's there, but don't talk about it.

And as for the gay six thing, remember, parents freaked out over Mass Effect's "six scene". The alien doesn't even have a solid gender (Liara is neither a man nor woman, even is s/he/it does seem feminine). And then there's Fable's homosixuality (more than once I've heard complaints of gay guys hitting on male characters "why are there so many homos in this game!?")...

America: "Stabbing people to death with a sword? Okay. sixuality??? HELL NO!!"

With gay marriage such an issue, I doubt we'll be seeing too many homosixual characters for a while (well, ones that are more accessible than Crassius).

Then again, most characters in the game dn't say who they are having a relationship with, so it's possible they simply don't talk about their love lives with random strangers (makes sense).
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Post » Wed Aug 18, 2010 7:42 pm

And for these reasons mentioned above, is why the video game industry tends to err more on the side of caution than edginess. Whatever controversial topics that the medium could raise are really only about violence saturation. Unfortunately.
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Post » Wed Aug 18, 2010 3:23 pm

If you make a search with Crassius Curio as keywords on the Morrowind forums, you'll quickly notice that a significant number have issues with their male character being the target of Uncle Crassius's affection. Sometimes extremely strong ones. Which means yes, that sort of things can have an impact on sales. which means most game editors prefer to skirt around the issue.

Aww, come on! He may be "different" but he's one of the friendlier and less-corrupt House Hlaalu councillors.
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Sharra Llenos
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Post » Thu Aug 19, 2010 4:06 am

dBut what makes you all so sure that there isn't many homosixuals in the game? It's not like they have a big sign that says HOMOsixUAL is there?
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Joie Perez
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Post » Wed Aug 18, 2010 9:55 pm

That's what I'm assuming. Unless it's a particularly interesting character/relevant to the story, it's just artistic licensing. It's like how, in Morrowind's combat, you can assume that whenever your weapon passes through an enemy you are either missing, or the enemy is dodging, or you are fumbling the weapon somehow due to your lack of skill. However, since it'd be a royal pain to animate those, the game just ignores damage entirely and displays the usual attacking animation. We can assume if Bethesda wanted to they'd give a completely different ratio of homosixuals in their games, but really, who cares? :shrug:
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Post » Wed Aug 18, 2010 7:12 pm

If you were gay and a complete stranger walked up and asked you, "Hows it going?" or "Did you hear about the sixth house?" Would you just jump on him and give him a huge kiss. NO! Not all gays are open about it.
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Post » Wed Aug 18, 2010 5:22 pm

dBut what makes you all so sure that there isn't many homosixuals in the game? It's not like they have a big sign that says HOMOsixUAL is there?

Yeah, which is WHY i asked if there had been any KNOWN precedent of it in the world

If you were gay and a complete stranger walked up and asked you, "Hows it going?" or "Did you hear about the sixth house?" Would you just jump on him and give him a huge kiss. NO! Not all gays are open about it.

uh huh, and I don't walk around groping every woman that comes near me. I asked BECAUSE it was NOT obvious to me whether homosixuals had ever been represented in the games.
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Post » Wed Aug 18, 2010 10:08 pm

Yeah, which is WHY i asked if there had been any KNOWN precedent of it in the world

uh huh, and I don't walk around groping every woman that comes near me. I asked BECAUSE it was NOT obvious to me whether homosixuals had ever been represented in the games.

I see, well then to answer your question, which by the way already has been answered, there are homosixual people in Tamriel. The one I'm thinking of is Crassius Curio.
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Post » Wed Aug 18, 2010 2:15 pm

through a sheet!?!?!?!?

Through a hole in a sheet.
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Kat Stewart
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Post » Wed Aug 18, 2010 4:06 pm

We can have a mature discussion of this but please stop with the silly spam posts that add not to the topic please or I shall show you a sheet...of...paper....called a pink slip. :deal:
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Post » Thu Aug 19, 2010 1:04 am

I see, well then to answer your question, which by the way already has been answered, there are homosixual people in Tamriel. The one I'm thinking of is Crassius Curio.

I think he's bisixual, he makes advances on both genders. Not to mention he's the author of http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Morrowind:The_Lusty_Argonian_Maid.

Speaking of Crassius Curio, he also has a copy of http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Morrowind:Lord_Jornibret%27s_Last_Dance.
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