by Math (will make up a name later)
The art of transference (enchanting) is not well understood by the majority of mages today. The main reason is the current methods are so refined and deemed "safe" that other ways to create enchantments are ignored and forgotten. It is for this reason this book is written. It is meant to broaden the mage's tool box for understanding enchanting in forms not common today. It is my hope that this information will provide insights that will allow future generations to have a greater depth of understanding. Upon a solid foundation can be built great and wondrous enchantments for the world to marvel at.
There are many types of transference that are best classified by their source. The known types are: Alchemic, Aedric, Daedric, and Energetic. Aedric and Daedric are the most common today. These are the art of capturing a soul into a vessel for storage and later use. The vessel, which is usually a soul gem, can be anything sufficient magical capacities. The less common Alchemic and Energetic are of much interest and give insight into how ancient civilizations created powerful artifacts. They work off very different principles: long term vision, delayed gratification, and utilizing the power of compounding.
The current "wanting it now" attitude toward enchantment is at odds with true power. It is also an abuse of nature and more disgustingly of souls protected by Arkay. To treat the souls of living beings as energy repositories to power our magical creations has become common. Souls are not just some mechanical side effect of life. It is the very thing that separates life from the rocks. It is a gift and is precious. This gift should be used wisely and with forethought with respect for the being which must be no more. Soul trapping transference is most powerful when combined with Alchemic and Energetic transference.
Keep in mind this book is not a judgment of the current methods for enchantment. It is more of an invitation to expand ones knowledge in the art of transference to create greater and more useful magical objects.
Having some fun with the literary side.