Musical Instruments

Post » Sat May 28, 2011 4:38 pm

The Devil went down to Skyrim?

...oddly fitting.
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laila hassan
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 3:07 pm

Violins don't belong in Elder Scrolls. It's a too modern instrument to fit that world

You can have lyras instead.

Lutes are okay.

Flute yes.
Drum yes.
Harpe yes.
Sack-pipe possibly.
Violins aren't modern at all. And surely if elves figured out how to make a lute, they could figure out how to turn it sideways and invent a violin from that. We only see a paucity of the musical representation in the TES world, since TES is a fighting D&D based game. It's not a game about music or cooking or living a regular life. But I'd very much like it to incorporate all those elements, especially music.
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Kristian Perez
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