Anyone know of a mod that lets you preview clothing/armor on

Post » Sat May 28, 2011 4:28 pm

?...I miss the preview I could use in EQ II...
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aisha jamil
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Post » Sun May 29, 2011 3:50 am

Try this: you can even run off with stuff if you want though you will get a bounty.
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james kite
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Post » Sun May 29, 2011 3:50 am

I just save, buy everything of interest, step into the changing room and try it all on, then reload and then actually buy the stuff that I know looks nice and fits properly. :dance:

Ok, ok, I know that is not a mod solution. But hey, this is not the mod forum. Sorry, I'm not aware of such a mod, but I bet there is one. If you don't get enough good leads here, you could try asking on the mod forum. :)
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Jesus Lopez
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Post » Sun May 29, 2011 2:23 am

That's what i do too. Quicksave, "Player.additem f 1000000", buy everything, try it on, quickload and buy what looked good :D

That linked mod seems to require high enough disposition for you to try it, and for some reason everybody hates my character :shakehead:
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Post » Sun May 29, 2011 1:01 am

That's what i do too. Quicksave, "Player.additem f 1000000", buy everything, try it on, quickload and buy what looked good :D

That linked mod seems to require high enough disposition for you to try it, and for some reason everybody hates my character :shakehead:

Kind of makes speechcraft a worthwhile skill then doesn't it? It's a mod that does what he requested anyway. Maybe your character needs to work on their social skills :P
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Teghan Harris
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 4:59 pm

Nah, she just cheats. The Robe of Gilb Tongues and certain beverage from COBL comes in handy if she needs to communicate with people in other ways than killing them :hehe:

On topic, a mod that would allow previewing the character wearing the armor/clothing, like the character is visible when viewing the journal, by pressing an extra button or something would be the ideal solution. Such a mod propably doesn't exist, though.
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Natasha Callaghan
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