Anyway , I've recently re-installed Oblivion after buying a new graphics card .. just to see how thing are going .. and find that Azani Blackheart is wearing a different armour that I expected!
According to UESP (and other places I've looked at) .. he should be wearing Elven Armour. ..
I assume one of the mods I'm using has changed this somehow .. but I don't know which one!
Basically I'm running Oblivion + SI + all offficial downloadable quests + SI patch + unofficial patches for all those + OOO + MMM + Oblivion Mod Manager + OBSE .18 + Wrye Bash + a few other goodies ..
This is'nt a massive problem of course , but I thought it might be nice to know for future reference!
I've done the usual searches without result .. soo .. ??