I tried installing UV and i get the initial message when i load in (to choose my UV combat key, Throw key and Modifier Key...then it giving me another message telling me to kill something) But nothing happens. I dont get any new attacks or abilities, no dual wield, no throwing attacks or anything. Whenever i hit the UV attack and throw button it just changes me back and forth from first person to third person view, there is also nothing that even resembles "UV Settings" anywhere in my inventory or spell list. As far as i know, i installed this mod correctly along with Pluggy, Nifscript and OBSE (latest version). So i dont really know what else is going on with it.
I also disabled some UV options (the weapon/shield to back portion and the soulgem portion) because the readme says those are incompatible with other mods. Still nothing.
I opened the console in-game and found this:
Invalid array access - The array was not initiated
File: unneccesaryviolence.esp offset: 0x0252 command: Let
Error in script 41001c98
operator [failed to evaluate to a valid result
So my question is, what does this mean? and is this whats preventing UV from operating? It hasnt killed me at all in game so i know i activated the mod correctly, i am getting no CTDs, and no other errors with any of my mods in the game now...just this one.