If you've been following the http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?/topic/1010109-list-list-of-mod-lists/page__p__14611698__fromsearch__1entry14611698, you'll notice that I haven't updated it in a pretty long while. I simply do not have enough time anymore to keep it updated as often as I did. And thus, I create this thread to see if a willing player/modder would be interested in continuing to maintain it.
The List of Mod Lists is hosted here on http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?/topic/1010109-list-list-of-mod-lists/page__p__14611698__fromsearch__1entry14611698, on http://www.invision.tesalliance.org/forums/index.php?/topic/1379-list-list-of-mod-lists/ and on http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/topic/155637-list-list-of-mod-lists/. Ideally, the person willing to take the List needs to be a member of all three forums to keep it updated on all three locations.
Regarding the layout, I feel that it is fine, but I would like to get the users' opinion on it. Was it easy to find what you were looking for? Is it too clunky? Should the offline mod lists be removed? What should be improved?
If someone is interested in making the list an actual website, like http://www.mwmythicmods.com/, go for it.
I'd be very happy for someone to take on this. Many people have been directed to the List to find a specific mod list, or find mods classified by themes. Myself included, I had decided to continue Finniksa's List of Lists because I wanted to find new mods to get for my games. If the List continues to live, it'll help Oblivion's modding community I'm positive.

Now the ball is on your side. :foodndrink: