So, I've been thinking about the Tsaesci, and their golden skin and the men and dragons they ate. I think they're all connected.
Here are my proposals:
1. First things first, the Tsaesci ate (ie enslaved or became) the Red Dragons of Akavir. The Red Dragon appears on the Imperial crest, and seems to be associated with Akatosh. Therefore, I propose, that the Red Dragon the Tsaesci became was none other than Akatosh, and is why the Ka Po Tun hate them so much. They want to do the same thing, but only Tosh Raka has managed it so far.
Also probably why the Tsaesci are serpent-like. It's some kind of http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ouroboros-type thing.
2. Lorkhan and Akatosh are one and the same. So in order to mantle Akatosh fully, they had to mantle Lorkan as well- who's also known as Shezarr, the god of man. How better to embody the god of mankind, than by becoming human?
3. The Dwarves were on the right track, using the heart of Lorkhan to become the golden skin of Numidium, but I believe they had the process in reverse. Hence why Numidium doesn't really do anything, and the Dwemer ceased to be. See, the humans of Akavir were eaten by the Tsaesci, that is, literally consumed. No trace of them remains, as they became the golden skin of the Tsaesci. The Tsaesci used humanity as a substitute for Lorkhan/Shezarr, as I believe humanity holds some of his power, in a way (as the god of man, he is man- like how Kynareth is the wind).
4. See, the Dwemer should have used their own bodies in place of Numidium, and instead of just using the heart as a means to an end, they should have used it to become their golden skin, instead of being the skin themselves.
So, that's my theory. The Tsaesci are all Lorkhan, and they managed to not un-make themselves in the process.
Now, if you'll excuse me, I need sleep.