If that was the case, then I think that it would be too overpowered to be a pre-order bonus. The only way to balance that would be to have an equivalent item obtainable in-game.
I'm inclined to agree, depending on the recharge rate. If it recharges say 1 to 2 bottles worth every 24 hours (and you can't use wait to refill it quickly) then I think the power of the canteen would be commensurate with an unique pre-order item.
Also, Canteen =/= Cantina.
Being able to carry tons of food but only 1 water makes no sense. Unless the devs are incredibly stupid, the pre order canteen is just for looks. Its not like its hard to find or make a water proof container.
Right, but what if the canteen holds 2-3 bottles worth of water and has no weight value? Plus, as far as I know you can refill it with any water source, so it should be a great item for hardcoe mode.