I recently added someone to my friend's list, but he doesn't show up on my friend's list. However, I show up on his friend's list. It also gives me the option to remove him as my friend on his profile, so I definitely know I've added him as a friend, it's just that he doesn't show up. I have another friend that does show up on my friend's list...so the friend's list thing worked for me before. Anyone have any idea how to fix this little bug? And, wow, I've never seen the word "friend" so much in one post.
Yes, this problem has been occurring frequently since the dawn of humanity. I think we all know the drill - you think someone is your friend, you invite them over, then they don't show up. Classic catch-371263.572. Usually you can get them to actually act like real friends by buying them ice-cream. I mean, why do you think that silly cold gunk was invented in the first place?