I want to use Reload's (http://www.newvegasnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=36104) Rebalance esp, but I don't want to use any of the other esps or even the Caliber esm. Does anyone know if this is possible? If it isn't possible, can I get some recommendations for rebalance mods? When I say rebalance, I want the mod to cause quick deaths in my enemies and myself with just a few bullets, so I am looking for a realism mod rather.
I created my own patch where the damage for all firearms and energy weapons are multiplied by 1.5. It's worked great for my game (and since it's your own patch, it's easy to make it compatible with any weapon mods running in your load order, like WMX).. Before I got some DT enhancing perks, implant, and decent armour, I was dying and killing people with just a couple of direct hits. Gunfights were quick and deadly, and there were no other added changes that usually comes with the overhaul tweaks.