Yeah,what do you think about this game ?
My Account: Skelr
Level 30 on EU
If somebody wanna play just say me your name here and then add me in LoL
Fear? No, I am the Mindkiller.
Summoner name: Sovekop
Level 30 (no ranked matches, I play for fun)
Client Version: EU
I only have custom games in my recent match history because I'm on a notebook, and won't ruin games for people, 5-10 FPS with the HUD and Sound turned OFF.
But I need my damn LoL fix.
My favourite champions are: Urgot, Akali, Katarina, Nidalee, Olaf (got his Legendary skin, bro) Garen and Jarvan IV. I want to start playing some Vlad, Gragas, Jax, Kennen (used to hate this guy, because I didn't buy MR :/ ), Trundle and AP Taric need to buy his Pink skin since it's so cool.
EDIT: Soraka!I have almost every champion, the only ones I'm missing are: Gragas, Karma, Sona, Rumble, Trundle, Brand and Maokai.
I have three Legendary skins, Olaf, Teemo and Nunu. Heck yeah!
Enough about me and what I have or think or may someday think.