Adds one quest and one quest script
The quest is simply there to get the script running and check for NVSE
All changes are applied dynamically by the script; item entries are unchanged
No DLC dependencies (the script accounts for them automatically)
- stacking bug work-around; equip items that aren't stacking right to fix them
- info box seperator is moved up 1 pixel, entire info box moved down 3 pixels
- Knife Spear Clean has a clean texture applied dynamically
renamed armor:
- Combat Armor, Black
- Merc Charmer Outfit, Rugged
- Merc Troublemaker Outfit, Rugged
- Merc Adventurer Outfit, Rugged
- Merc Grunt Outfit, Rugged
- Merc Cruiser Outfit, Rugged
- Pre-War Casualwear, Monogrammed
- Pre-War Parkstroller Outfit, Monogrammed
- Slave Garb
- Slave Head Wrap
- Head Wrap, Denim
- Head Wrap, Plaid
- Head Wrap, Dark
- Sunglasses, Rimmed
renamed items:
- Butter Knife, Rusted
- Empty Sunset Sarsaparilla Bottle, Sunken
- Lottery Ticket, Winning
- Pre-War Book, Vol. 2
- Pre-War Book, Vol. 3
- Pre-War Book, Vol. 4
- Pre-War Book, Vol. 5
- Pre-War Book, Vol. 6
- Pre-War Book, Vol. 7
- Pre-War Book, Vol. 8
- Teddy Bear, Soiled
- Toaster, Pre-War
texture changes:
- Gecko-Backed Leather Armor
- Gecko-Backed Leather Armor, Reinforced
- Gecko-Backed Metal Armor
- Gecko-Backed Metal Armor, Reinforced
- Explorer's Gear
- Knife Spear Clean (bug fix)
- Missing Laser Pistol
- crosshair stretches to indicate weapon spread (formulas based on Project Nevada)
- hit points display fades to invisible when full health and not in combat
- action points display fades to invisible when full AP and not in combat
- if both hp and ap meters are invisible, compass slides right to center
- combat indication based on visibility of hp and ap meters
- hide entire interface if vanity camera is active for ~1.5 seconds
- Binoculars and the Codac R9000 camera have variable zoom; use mousewheel while aiming
- non-automatic weapons no longer automatically reload; fire when empty or press the reload key to reload
Posted above is my current notes on what I've done so far.
The renamed items are any item where more than 1 item has the same name. The ''Rugged'' merc armors, for example, are the rare 3 DT variants.
The re-textured items currently just apply existing game assets and are not custom textures; currently the mod is 2 entries in the GECK: a quest and a script, and that's it. Re-textured items only appear re-textured when worn by the player due to the way textures are applied dynamically.
The stacking bug fix requires you to equip the bugged items, which often necessitates equipping an item, then storing it or tossing it on the ground while you then equip further bugged copies of that same item. It's tedious, but it's better than nothing. Luckily, equippable stacks (like throwing spears) will be fixed per stack, so if you have a stack of 100 and a stack of 10 that are stacking with eachother, you only need equip the 100, then toss them as a bundle, then equip the 10, and you're done.
When the compass slides horizontally to the center of the screen, it's off-center by 3 pixels to the left; this is because the info box and stealth state indicators are also off-center to the left by 3 pixels. A mod that moves the info box right 3 pixels would also center my sliding compass since it uses the info box to decide where to move to. Note that the crosshair is actually centered properly; the game devs were pretty sloppy with the UI, but at least they got that right.
One of the core concepts to this mod is that it installs and uninstalls cleanly. One reason I never use any mods that add new items to the game is I don't want half my inventory disappearing if I remove a mod. All changes are dynamic and temporary (only last until you quit the game), with the exception of the item stacking fix; any items that have been ''fixed'' will stay fixed unless they bug out again due to reaching 100% item health.
I also went for compatibility: this mod checks item names before renaming, so if another mod you're using changes any item names that this mod would, then it skips changing that item; it should also play well with other UI mods, since it doesn't use modified interface XML files or textures.
Aside from the health and action point meters reappaering when you enter combat (thus alerting you that you're in combat), this mod shouldn't affect gameplay; I let the ''combat indicator'' aspect slide because without it, I'd just crouch every 5 to 10 seconds anyway to see if I was in the caution or danger state, so all it did was make the game less tedious for me.
I found the Binoculars in the base game to be worthless: they zoom to a 35 degree FOV (field of view), while most ''sniper'' weapons zoom to 25 (which is more zoomed in than 35). Even though variable zoom is really rare in real binoculars (and generally indicates mediocre binoculars as it's largely a gimmick), I thought it a more interesting take on them and gave them a more interactive use, since you don't get to shoot while using them. So, they can zoom to 38, 25, 19 and 15, which are roughly 1/2, 1/3, 1/4 and 1/5 the base FOV. In addition, I gave the Codac R9000 (the quest-flagged item you're stuck with) the same trait to give it some purpose after its associated quest is over. Just spin the mousewheel up/down while aimed/zoomed in.
And finally, I really would like suggestions on a better name. While ''Dynamic'' embodies a core aspect of this mod, ''Details'' is vague and could be misread as ''Detail'' which might imply some sort of dynamic graphical settings adjustment. Alliteration isn't required, but would be a plus.