So, I don't have any recent saves (last one before this was level 2) before Jack at the Boomer camp started telling me to "Go to hell, outsider." and I can't get the rebreather off him or get to the bottom of Lake Mead without it. There appears to be nowhere else in the game to get one. I'm now level 17 and it would hella svck to have to start back at level 2. Basically, now the game is ruined for me and I have no interest in replaying the whole thing to fix it. When is the patch coming out? Or does someone know a) how to get to the bottom of the Lake and place the ballasts without a rebreather or B) where to get another rebreather? I can't pickpocket Jack (rebreather not listed on him), or plant bombs in his pockets to kill him, and it's nowhere to be found or stolen in the shack.