» Wed Jun 30, 2010 5:24 pm
First, the positive - Well it's been a few weeks since the Administrator GStaff mentioned a patch 'coming soon' so it could be out next week sometime, maybe tuesday. This is only speculation however. If it doesn't come out next week then that would likely mean that more work is being done and the patch will be that much better when it is finally released...hopefully. Now for the negative - Let me just also say that if the goofy arms while equipping a gun isn't at least fixed then i'm going to start taking a stand against gamesas and NOT Obsidian since Beth has final word (Obsidians probably on there way out of town anyway). I bought FO3 Collectors Edition and all DLC and even Oblivion Collectors Edition and some DLC and yes my FO:NV copy is CE too. I've been damn patient waiting for this game to run a little more charmingly and will not buy anything else by Bethesda INCLUDING Skyrim if this game remains as faulty as it is. I have played Fable 3 to death and AC: Brotherhood ALOT waiting for this to work more efficiently and there's still some basic problems that I'm willing to bet will only get worse as I progress further than 40 hours. I consider myself to be a fairly patient person but the jokes over, it's been 4 months since release Ok