Hey, no need to grovel! Though of course if you
really want to...
The only file that the main mod cares about is Progress.ini. The OOO defaults file needs to be renamed to Progress.ini if you want to use those settings. Note that the "default" settings are based on OOO, the only difference is in the magic skills. Casting skills have been tweaked to grant some experience even if you miss, and to balance better with the MBSP option; and Alchemy is tweaked to make wortcraft more attractive. (I've actually talked the OOO team into making a similar adjustment to Alchemy, for the next version.)
For simplicity, these instructions assume starting from vanilla settings. If you're starting from OOO, they use a base 3x multiplier, not 1x, so you'll want to adjust the math accordingly. (You seem to have a pretty good understanding of the system already, I just want to make sure I've covered all the bases!)The best way to get the settings you want is to adjust the "Basic Slowdown" setting at the top of the file to create a 4x slowdown:
set Progress.fSkillUseFactor to 0.8819Then for the skills you want to have vanilla speed for, multiply their individual use rates by 4 to counteract the slowdown:
set Progress.fSkillArmorerRepair to 6.0
set Progress.fSkillAlchemyCreation to 20.0
set Progress.fSkillAlchemyWortcraft to 2.0
set Progress.fSkillMercantileBarter to 1.6
set Progress.fSkillSpeechcraftPersuade to 9.6