» Fri Jul 16, 2010 2:18 pm
You have fallen victim to the infamous http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Oblivion:Vampirism bug. If you are already afflicted with the fearsomely ugly mug of the default male face from this, you are VERY nearly out of luck... BUT, there is one (and only one) way to save yourself (you can skip the next part if you already know how to use Wrye Bash):
Install Wrye Python 03 and Wrye Bash (and read carefully how), then start the program, go to the saves tab, right-click your latest save, and select "Import Face" from the menu. Next, select a save you made before you got hit with the Vampire Face bug, then select the name of your character, and hit Import.
You now have your old face back.
You might also want to install http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=5296, as it comes with a feature to prevent this bug from happening (or add it into your Bashed Patch, this is the recommended fix).
You can also bypass the affects of this bug by loading a non-vampire character first, then loading your vampire character, but since that's annoying and frivolous....