» Fri Jul 16, 2010 9:53 pm
my quest idea starts like this.....
your wondering around the desert when you start to hallucinate different things like pre war towns/people/people from the courier's past (because its kinda unknown)
the hallucinations start to fade away, and you start to see a figure in the distance but you can't see properly because everything is blurry and then you pass out.
you wake up in a chair tied up in a room, and you see 2 guys talking to each other then they see you so one of the guys comes up to you and says "well looks like the fresh meat has finally woken up, don't worry i'll take care of that " and then he whacks you on the side of the head and then you pass out.
you wake up again in a holding cell with another guy named Frank, he says to you "looks like another one bites the dust, im frank looks like your stuck in here with me. I was wondering around the Mojave dessert when suddenly i was ambushed by a bunch of guys, next thing I know im in this hell hole. But brace yourself because I think i know why were here th-they are going to eat us!! I saw a bunch of those guys take my last cell mate away. They cut him up in front of me! then they started cooking him, then they feed him to me!!! those sick bastards are gonna pay, its just a good thing i found a radroach to eat."
you can then ask him how long he's been here to which he responds.....
"wow i think iv been here for about 2 months now, i would've gone crazy by now if it wasn't for this book that i managed to hide in my pants. but we need to get out of here now!! unless you want to become cannibal food. now the only way out of this building is going to be through the sewage system in the basemant"
you then ask how are we going to do that. so he says......
"well some good came out of my cell mate being cooked and served to me, i managed to make a shank out of one of his bones. now come on we don't have much time."
a guard then walks in and opens the cell, and then Frank stabs him in the neck and then says "come on grab whatever you can off that sick [censored]!"
(the guard's body has a combat knife and an assault rifle) frank says "now we need to do this quietly so use that guy's knife"
you find a locker with all your stuff in it.
you stealthily make your way to the basemant where you see a bunch of corpses lying around and then Frank says "Look these bastards are just going to keep on capturing more and more innocent people, we need to stop them."
Courier: "how are we going to do that!! we are out-gunned"
Frank: "yes we are but you see those C4's over there, well if we plant them in all of the house's supporting beams we should be able to collapse the building, but we will have to detonate it remotely"
you and frank plant the C4 and escape into the sewers, where you fight some mirulurks (you can now use the assault rifle)
then you and frank climb up a ladder leading to a random location over looking the cannibals building and Frank says "all right blow it to hell"
you then detonate the bombs and you see the building collapse in on its self.
Frank say "Oh my G-d, we are alive!! we did it, c'mon i have a place near here."
you follow Frank and he leads you to an unmarked cabin and he says "feel free to stay the night and eat anything you want in the fridge, and i really can't repay you enough. I want you to have this revolver, it belonged to my dad, hopefully it will prevent this sort of situation happening again"