Unique? Tolkien was there first. If you recall, the orcs were Morgoth's abominations of elves. :nerd:
Oh, and Orcs know they're ugly [censored]s. That's their appeal.
Off-topic slightly but i must admit that whole fantasy genre overall should say one big thanks to Tolkien and probably also to DnD which took Tolkien's creations almost as they were and by so Tolkien's vision penetrated both books and games. One of most funny thing is that even then orcs aren't copied from Tolkien and DnD, even when their name is "stolen" all the time. Who presented this current green, tall, strudy orc type? Warhammer-series? Marvel by it's Hulk?

Well Uruk-Hai isn't that far off, they were tall, strudy, but not green and very repulsive.
As for poll. Based on Tolkien's dwarves? No. Only one similarity: they are good smiths. But Dwarves are known from craftsmanship, everything they make is beautiful and superior, be it dungeon, they way doors work (mechanical stuff they handled alright), gems, jewelry, weapon, tools. Orcs? Well weapons and armor are smoking. There are tons of differences: Dwarven are greedy, proud, independent and solitary, resistant to cold and heat, also resistant against violent death and disease. not multiplying like rabbits (well TES's orcs don't seem to be popping offsprings all the time either). Creation story is of course very much different.
TES orcs closer to Tolkien's Uruk-Hai (creation of Sauron superior form of orcs) that it would be to dwarves. But even closer to Warhammer's Orcs. Dwemer defiently are closest to Tolkiens' dwarves than any PC-race or NPC-race in TES. Yes they are mer, but their basic characterstics from their "life style" are closest which i can figure out from TES compared to "generic" dwarf. Sure from Dwemer we (or you, my understandment is limited after all) actually know more about their high-culture (or religion?) and all that, but we know little from their day-to-day life. In Tolkien's tales Dwarf wasn't alcoholic, axe-wielding son-of-a-*****.
Ps. Nobody haven't suggested Bosmer just yet? They are atleast small.