As an involuntarily childless woman myself, I find this point rather irrelevant to anyone's gaming experience. As such, it is also way off-topic. Though it is nice to see more than one or two word posts now and again.
I'm still hoping a happy medium can be found between waking up one day with a child, a nanny, and a boarding school application and going through every excruciating detail of human gestation. I have always considered having a home and family in my characters' backstory made his/her willingness to go to the ends of the earth to save Nirn much more realistic. Especially in games like Morrowind where the native population isn't exactly welcoming of their savior from afar.
As far as excruciating details go, inasmuch as the PC might be hit by a cold spell, yet not have to watch as his/her fingers, toes, and nose turn black and fall off, I think it's possible to introduce a family element without morning sickness, childbirth, and the terrible twos.
Actually, it's quite on topic, as Dunmer females are not normally fertile at thr same ages their human counterparts are. I also don't think parenthood is a required stimulus to save the world. Also, as I said before, children must be watched and tended to constantly, parenthood is a time consuming process. Screw up and it's not just your life that you affect.
Dragonslaying, questing, enmeshing onesself in poltical intruige does not work well with parenthood, you endanger not only your self, but the life of your child. Do you really think that a boarding house will somehow repel the forces of a well funded, evil warlord with a grudge against you? That protecting them will be underwritten by the governments of Tamriel?
That your child is safe from those who wish him or her harm, because of you, when you are out saving the world?
Also, as a previously involuntary childless woman, I defined myself not by my childlessness, but by me. Who I am, what I have achieved, who I've affected, helped, befriended.