So, I'm checking out Camp McCarran, and I know there is a spy there, the Col. told me there was. Then I interrogate the Legion soldier and he tells that there is a spy as well. I know there HAS to be a quest to find this spy, but I can't seem to find whoever I need to talk to start it. Who asks you to find the spy, where do you find them?
You need speak with Colonel Hsu. He is on the first floor of the main building on the east end. He tells you to speak with Captain Curtis who is almost always on the west end of the first floor. Once you have spoken to Curtis. Head outside and speak with all the named NPCs around the parking lot. Eventuely you'll pick up a lead.
Can't remember if it is a marked quest but A LOT of the quests here in NV are marked. My journal is so crammed with quests I have something to do almost everywhere lol. I get sidetracked easily so i end up with 30 quests active at once.
Hope this helped you out.