The problem is when a BSA has file replacer in it, and the way Oblivion gives priority to resources when using BSA-redirection.
After several tests this is what I have discovered so far:
- All Vanilla BSA has priority over any other BSA registered in the INI
- Any BSA registered in the INI has priority over any other BSA.
- Any BSA registered in the INI (sans Vanilla), has priority based the order they are in (first listed has priority over later)
- Any BSA loaded via a *.esp has priority based on Alphabetical order.
This is all based on there NOT being a corresponding file in the data\* folder that the BSA tries to replace.
If there is a corresponding file in the data\* folder priority is only given to BSAs newer than the file in the data\* folder, but still in the order above.
So what does this mean...
- A BSA cannot replace a vanilla file.
- A BSA loaded via a *.esp cannot replace a file in a BSA loaded via the INI.
- A BSA loaded via a *.esp cannot replace a file in another BSA loaded via a *.esp that is higher in the alphabetical order.
Unless there is a corresponding file in the data\* folder, that is newer than BSA with the file being replaced, but older than the BSA with the file replacing it.
I could of cause have made a mistake somewhere, so I would like it if people could confirm or refute any of these findings.